Air Rifle Maintenance - Installing a Breech Seal on a B3 Air Rifle

The maintenance of your gear should be an essential part of your daily routine. While the majority of repairs can be outside the expertise of the average person or require specialized tools, there are a few minor repairs that can be done to your equipment to keep it in the best operating condition possible. One of the simplest and easiest repairs that can be done to a B3 air rifle is installing a new breech seal. This will also help to keep it performing properly.

The first thing you will need to do is order new breech seals if you don’t have any in stock. My breech seals were ordered from Archer Air Gunsand arrived in a very timely fashion. They were also decently priced and the shipping costs were reasonable. The price of an individual breech seal figured out to be only a $1.75 each. The breech seals came in a package of six for $6.99. Two packages were ordered since the breech seals in both my B3 air rifles will be replaced and only two are required (one for each rifle). The remaining breech seals will be kept for spares.

Next make sure your air rifle is unloaded. Then, use the lever located under the barrel to cock the rifle and expose the breech seal. Once the breech seal has been exposed, you will then be able to access it so that it can be replaced. The breech seal will get hard and brittle after a while and will affect the power of your B3 rifle if not replaced on a fairly regular basis. A package of six breech seals should cover your replacement needs for several years of regular use of your B3.

Once you’ve located the breech seal, use a screw driver or similar object to pry the old breech seal out. Once you have the old breech seal out, make sure to get all the old pieces of seal out and clean the chamber before replacing the seal.

The new breech seal can be easily installed by hand and then the firing chamber can be closed to set the breech seal. Total time for this simple repair is less than five minutes and will keep the power of your B3 at a respectable level.

These air rifles can often be found at a relatively low cost at yard and garage sales. Many times these air rifles are being sold simply because they have lost power. In most cases, these air rifles only need to have their breech seal replaced to restore their original power levels.

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