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Computers, Coops and Chicks
Computers, Coops and Chicks
Things have been pretty busy this last week. Lots of computer issues that finally got resolved. There was a problem with my ISP for several days but that’s fixed now that the server of my ISP is working properly. Mrs. RW also has quite a few new additions to the flock and is going to need a bigger chicken coop. One more thing on my to do list.
This is also going to be a great project for me to show everyone some tips on building a lightweight but strong coop for your chickens. There was only enough time to build the coop gate today. We have a big family get-together planned for Easter Sunday and there are beans to cook and guns to clean. The plan is to do a little plinking with the twelve gauge. Now it's time to get back to the coop building.
The first tip for building a strong but lightweight chicken coop is to use what I call the sandwich technique. Simply put, you just sandwich your wire between your boards (1X2's). This makes it stronger and there’s less chance of a possum or coon getting in your coop...which it seems we have more than our share of both. The wire is almost impossible for them to pull apart when fastened to your framework in this manner. In this case, I’m using welded wire fabric with the small squares (1/2 inch) to attach to the framework.
I’ll include some later updates as the coop begins to take shape.
Have a Happy Easter!
Staying above the water line!
Category → Computers, Coops and Chicks » DIY , Food , Garden , Gear , Poultry , Preparedness » stealth survival