We have two winners in our survival guide and gear giveaway. They will be receiving an autographed copy of The Unofficial Hunger Games Wilderness Survival Guide
as well as several items of survival gear.
Here are their winning comments:
In our home, after using it, the bathtub is always rinsed of any soap residue. If there is just an hour's warning that the city water will shut off, the tub can be filled, and that's a couple hundred gallons we wouldn't otherwise have. Then a clean tarp will be placed over it, to stave off anything airborne.
Congetta said...
My best survival tool is to teach my 7 year old son the skills and information that I learn. I completed a first aid/CPR/AED class the other day and I will be teaching him the techniques.
The winners will need to contact me at riverwalker_texas@yahoo.com with their shipping address so that their free survival guide and gear can be sent to them.
Please respond by email within 72 hours in order to receive your prize.
Congratulations to our winners!
Staying above the water line!