Many times nature is at its best when helping creatures to hide in plain sight. What should be obvious to the eye is not always readily apparent. A little skill in knowing the habits of nature's creatures make them easier to find or avoid.
One such creature is the Texas spiny lizard. Their coloration allows them to easily blend into their environment but they also maintain a place of safety that is readily accessible should they be discovered. In the case of the Texas spiny lizard, they like to hide in the loose bark of dead trees. All you have to do to discover their presence is peel away the bark to reveal their place of safety.
Here is a closer view of a Texas spiny lizard. They have the ability to remain absolutely motionless, even when exposed to help prevent their presence being revealed. They can also swiftly retreat to a different place of safety when their hiding place has been discovered.
Nature teaches many valuable lessons if you pay close attention to your environment.
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